Common Amazon KDP Self Publishing Mistakes

The most common Amazon KDP self publishing mistakes we make at the beginning are one of the reasons we never get successful and fail. Amazon KDP is a free platform that allows authors to self-publish their books in ebook and print formats. It’s a great way for authors to reach a global audience and earn royalties on their sales.

However, it’s important to avoid the most common mistakes self publishing while publishing on Amazon KDP. These mistakes can hurt your sales and reputation as a writer.

Here are the most common Amazon KDP Self Publishing mistakes we usually make:

Mistake 1: Not Editing Your Book Carefully

Before you publish your book on Amazon KDP, it’s important to have it carefully edited by a professional editor. This will help ensure that your book is free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It will also help improve the overall flow and readability of your book.

Mistake 2: Not Creating a Professional Book Cover

Your book cover is the first thing potential readers will see, so it’s important to make a good impression. A professional book cover will help your book stand out from the competition and make it more likely that potential readers will click on your book listing.

Mistake 3: Not Pricing Your Book Correctly

If you price your book too high, you’re likely to lose sales. However, if you price your book too low, you may be leaving money on the table. It’s important to research the prices of similar books on Amazon KDP to find a fair price for your book. You should also consider factors such as your book’s length, genre, and target audience. Making this type of pricing mistake while publishing can decrease your sales and ultimately your book will start losing rank on the first pages. Less price with more sales is way better than putting high prices and losing sales.

Mistake 4: Not Marketing Your Book

Once you’ve published your book on Amazon KDP, it’s important to market it to potential readers. You can do this through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. And if your books are eligible for KDP Select then put your books on KDP Select for 90 days and this will allow you to get a free promotion for 5 days. This promotion will rank your book and get reviews.

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Here you can check the complete tutorial on how you can put your books on free promotions.

Free Book Promotion

Mistake 5: Not Getting Reviews for Your Book.

Book reviews are important because they can help influence potential readers’ purchasing decisions. When potential readers see that your book has many positive reviews, they are more likely to buy it.

You can encourage readers to leave reviews of your book through free promotion which you can avail by KDP Select.

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By avoiding the most common Amazon KDP Self Publishing Mistakes listed above, you can increase your chances of success as a self-published author.

Here are some additional tips to avoid the most common Amazon KDP self publishing mistakes:

  • Read your book carefully before publishing it.
  • Use keywords in your book title and description to help potential readers find your book.
  • Format your book correctly according to Amazon KDP guidelines.
  • Upload high-quality book cover and interior files.
  • Set up Author Central to manage your author profile and track your sales.

Recent Blog Post: Top Highly Profitable Amazon KDP Niches for 2023

Resources for Self-Publishing Authors

​​1. Free KDP Interiors and Low Content Books 
2. Book Publishing Services (Fiverr) 
4. Amazon KDP Education Youtube Channel 
5. The Top Amazon KDP Niches for 2023 

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you still have any questions, please leave a comment below.

Q1. Can I update my book after publishing on KDP?

Yes, Amazon KDP allows you to update the content of your book after publishing. This can be useful to correct any errors or update your book based on reader feedback.

Q2: Do I need to worry about copyright when self-publishing on KDP?

Absolutely! Ensure you have proper rights to all content in your book, including images and quotes. Research copyright and licensing regulations to avoid legal issues.

Q3: What is KDP Select?

KDP Select is a program that allows KDP authors and publishers to reach more readers and earn more money. It includes benefits like being part of Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

Can I offer my book for free on KDP?

Yes, through KDP Select’s Free Book Promotion, you can offer your book for free for up to 5 days every 90-day period.

What are the royalty options available on KDP?

KDP offers two royalty options: 35% and 70%. The option you choose can depend on factors like the pricing of your book, its size, and the territories in which you hold rights.

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