How to choose the right keywords for Amazon KDP books

If you are publishing books on Amazon KDP then one of the most important things you can do is to choose the right keywords for Amazon KDP Books.

In this blog post, I’ll break down everything you need to know about selecting the best keywords for Amazon KDP books based on the latest information and research.

You will learn:

  • What are Amazon KDP keywords?
  • Why keywords are required and how do they affect ranking and sales?
  • How to find the best keywords for your books?
  • What are useful tools available for keyword Analysis?
  • How to avoid common keyword mistakes?

Key Takeaways

  • Authors use Amazon KDP keywords to make their books easier to look up for readers to find on the platform.
  • Authors and publishers can choose up to seven keywords when publishing their books.
  • It is very important to choose the right keywords for your book that are relevant to the book content and readers are going to use them to search for the book on Amazon.
  • You can use different keywords for each format (Kindle, paperback, hardback, audiobook, and Amazon ads).
  • The more effectively you use your keywords, the more likely your book will show up in the search results.

By the end of this blog post, you will have a clear understanding of how to choose the right keywords for Amazon KDP books.

What are Amazon KDP keywords?

Amazon KDP keywords are the words used by customers to search for books on Amazon and Amazon’s Algorithms help to find the right books for them.

You can use up to seven keywords for your book, each with a maximum of 50 characters. You should choose the keywords that describe your book’s content, genre, theme, style, and target customers.

7 Keywords

Why keywords are required and how do they affect ranking and sales?

Keywords are very important for ranking and SEO as they play an important role in the search results and recommendations. Keywords help to reach out to more readers who are looking for the same kind of content leading to more sales. Keywords also help to optimize the book’s metadata and make it more relevant to the buyers.

Keywords can also help you improve your book’s SEO (search engine optimization) and rank higher on Google and other search engines, which can drive more organic traffic to your book’s page.

How to find the best keywords for Amazon KDP books?

The very first and basic step to finding the right keywords for your books is to analyze the content, genre, audience, and competitor’s approach.

You can also get help from tools like Google Keyword Planner, Publisher Rocket, and KDspy. Through these tools, you can analyze the popularity, competition, and profitability of the keywords you want to choose for the books.

One of the easiest and best ways to find keywords is to use Amazon’s search bar and autofill feature. You can check what Amazon is suggesting based on customer searches.

You can also use Amazon’s categories and subcategories to find keywords related to your book’s genre and subgenre.

What are useful tools available for keyword analysis?

Google Keyword Planner:

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This tool is very useful for analyzing the monthly search volume, competition, and bid ranges of the keywords. We can also filter the specific keywords based on language, location, relevance, etc.

Publisher Rocket:

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This is a paid tool that is specifically designed for finding and analyzing keywords for Amazon KDP books. It allows you to find out the popularity, competition, and profitability of your keywords, and see how many books are ranking for them, how many sales they are making, and how much money they are earning. You can also see the keywords that other books in your genre and niche are using, and how you can outrank them.


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This is a browser extension that allows you to find and analyze keywords for Amazon KDP books, by spying on other books in your genre and niche. It allows you to see the keywords that other books are using, how they are ranking for them, how many sales they are making, and how much money they are earning. You can also see the keywords that are suggested by Amazon, and how popular and competitive they are.

How to avoid common mistakes?

Choosing and using keywords for your book is not a one-time task, but an ongoing process that requires testing, tweaking, and updating. You should always monitor your book’s performance and feedback, and see how your keywords are affecting your book’s visibility, ranking, and sales.

You should also avoid some common keyword mistakes such as:

Using more than required, very less, or irrelevant keywords:

You should use the optimal number of keywords for your book, which is usually between five to seven, and make sure they are relevant to your book’s content and genre. You should avoid using keywords that are too broad, too narrow, or unrelated to your book, as they can confuse Amazon’s algorithm and customers, and lower your book’s ranking and conversion.

Using the same keywords as your competitors:

You should avoid using the same keywords for Amazon KDP books as your competitors, as they can make your book less unique and more difficult to stand out. You should try to find keywords that are different from your competitors, but still relevant to your book’s content and genre. You should also try to use keywords that are related to your book’s unique selling points, such as awards, reviews, bestseller status, etc.

Using keywords that are not optimized for both SEO and conversion:

You should use keywords that are not only optimized for SEO but also for conversion. SEO keywords are the ones that help your book rank higher on Google and other search engines and drive more organic traffic to your book’s page.

Conversion keywords are the ones that help your book persuade and convince customers to click on your book and buy it. You should use keywords that are both relevant and appealing to your target audience, and match their search intent and expectations. You should also use keywords that are consistent and coherent with your book’s metadata, such as title, subtitle, description, categories, etc.


Using the right Keywords for Amazon KDP books is one of the most important factors for your book’s success on Amazon. They can help you attract more readers, increase your sales, and grow your author brand.

By following the steps and tips in this blog post, you can find and optimize the best keywords for Amazon KDP books.

Remember to use Amazon’s autofill function, keyword research tools, and competitor analysis to generate keywords, use all the available space, use different keywords for different formats, and test and tweak your keywords to optimize them.

I hope this article helps you choose the right keywords for Amazon KDP books. Good luck with your publishing journey!

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What are the benefits of using keywords for Amazon KDP books?

Keywords can help you increase your book’s visibility, ranking, and sales on Amazon. They can also help you target your ideal audience and niche, by using keywords that are relevant and specific to your book’s genre, topic, and content.

How many keywords can I use for my Amazon KDP books?

You can use up to seven keywords or phrases, each with a maximum of 50 characters. You should try using as much space as possible, without stuffing or repeating keywords. Try to avoid keywords that you have already used in the title, subtitle, or description

How often should I update my keywords for Amazon KDP books?

Keywords are not static, they can change over time based on the trends, demand, and competition. Therefore, you should update your keywords regularly, at least once every few months. You can use tools like [Publisher Rocket] to see the current status of your keywords and find new ones. You can also keep an eye on the market and the reader’s feedback to see what terms are popular and relevant for your book.

How do I find the best keywords for Amazon KDP books?

You can use Amazon’s auto-suggest feature, Google AdWords Keyword Planner, or other keyword research tools to find the best keywords that sell more books.

Can I use different keywords for each format? 

Yes, you can. I encourage you to use different ones for each format. It will make your book more discoverable.

What are negative keywords on Amazon?

Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don’t want your book to show up for in the search results.

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