Amazon KDP Metadata Guide

Learn how to use Amazon KDP Metadata Guidelines to make your book stand out. 

In this blog post, I will share the complete guide on what metadata is, why it is important, and how to optimize metadata for your books that will attract your target audience and rank your books on Amazon. I will also share tips and tricks for optimizing and avoiding common mistakes and using the tools to research and improve your metadata. 

What is Amazon KDP Metadata?

Metadata is the information that describes your book. It includes the title, subtitle, author name, description, keywords, cover image, and other details that help readers find your book. Metadata is essential for the discoverability and searchability of your book on Amazon.

Why is Metadata Important?

Metadata is important because it helps readers find your book. When readers search for a book on Amazon, they use keywords to find the books that match their interests. If your book has accurate and relevant metadata, it will appear in the search results and increase the chances of being discovered by potential readers. So creating effective metadata for your books is very important.

How to Optimize Amazon KDP Metadata

Here are some tips to optimize your metadata:

1. Title:

Book title

Your book’s title should match your title precisely, but there are common mistakes to avoid:

  • Avoid repeating generic keywords
  • Avoid unauthorized references to other titles or authors
  • Avoid trademarked terms
  • Avoid sales ranks or promotions
  • Avoid excessive punctuation

The title of your book should be accurate and descriptive. Avoid using generic keywords like “notebook,” “journal,” “gifts,” etc in the title. Also, don’t use any unauthorized reference to other titles or authors. The title should only contain the actual title of your book as it appears on your book cover. 

For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking”

then the title should be “The Art of Cooking” not “Cooking Tips and Tricks.”

2. Subtitle


A subtitle is a short phrase or sentence that comes after the main title of your book. It plays a crucial role in clarifying what your book is about, adding more information, and helping target the right audience. 

If your book has a subtitle, enter it in the subtitle field. A subtitle is a subordinate title that contains additional information about the content of your book.

For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking”

then the subtitle could be “A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Art of Cooking.”

3. Author Name:


Enter your name as the author of the book. If you have co-authors, enter their names in the contributor field.

4. Description:


The description of your book should be accurate and engaging. It should provide a summary of the book’s content and highlight its unique features. Avoid explicit content, personal information, promotional material, time-sensitive information, or unrelated keywords in your description. 

Tips for Writing a Good Description

The description of your book is one of the most important pieces of metadata. Here are some tips for writing a good description:

1. Keep it short:

Your description should be brief and to the point. Avoid using long paragraphs or sentences.

2. Highlight the benefits:

Your description should highlight the benefits of your book. What will readers gain from reading your book? For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking,” then the benefits could be “Learn how to cook like a pro,” “Impress your friends and family with your cooking skills,” etc.

3. Use bullet points:

Bullet points are a great way to break up your description and make it easier to read. For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking,” then the bullet points could be “Over 100 recipes,” “Step-by-step instructions,” “Tips and tricks from professional chefs,” etc.

4. Include a call to action:

Your description should include a call to action. Encourage readers to buy your book. For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking,” then the call to action could be “Get your copy today and start cooking like a pro!”


Title: The Art of Cooking 

Subtitle: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Art of Cooking 

Author: John Smith 


This book is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of cooking. It covers everything from basic cooking techniques to advanced recipes. With over 100 recipes and step-by-step instructions, this book is for beginners and experienced cooks.”

6. Keywords:


Keywords are the words or phrases that describe your book’s content. Choose relevant and specific keywords that accurately describe your book. Avoid using generic keywords that are not relevant to your book’s content.

For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking” then the keywords could be “cooking techniques,” “recipes,” “cookbook,” etc.

7. Categories:


When selecting categories for your book on Amazon KDP, choose categories that accurately describe your book’s central topic or storyline. Be selective and avoid going overboard with categories. Focus on subcategories that relate to your book, and avoid making frequent changes after you’ve set your categories. Adding or updating categories can impact your book’s sales rank. 

For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking” then the categories could be “Cookbooks, Food” 

8. Cover Image:

Your book cover should be eye-catching and professional. It should accurately represent your book’s content and genre. A high-quality cover is vital as it plays a significant role in a reader’s decision to purchase an ebook. Avoid extra space or oversized covers, blurry cover images, and inserting the cover image into the manuscript file. Cover images should not contain references to promotions or sexually explicit content. Declare explicit content accurately to provide transparency to readers.

For example, if your book is about “The Art of Cooking” then the cover image could be a picture of a delicious dish.

9. ISBN:


An ISBN is a unique identifier for your book. For print books, you may need an ISBN. KDP can provide one for free, or you can use your own. However, always remember that the free ISBN is only for Amazon. If you want to publish the same book on other platforms, you need to buy your own ISBN. Ensure you have the right ISBN for your book type.

10. Series Books:


If your book is part of a series, there are specific guidelines to follow. Note that public domain and low-content books are not eligible for creating a series. Depending on your marketplace, you’ll need to provide series details, ensuring that the books you put in the series are the same.

You can also check this blog post The Most Common Amazon KDP Self Publishing Mistakes


Following Amazon KDP’s metadata guidelines is essential for a successful book launch. Each element plays a role in making your book discoverable and trustworthy to readers. By following these guidelines, you ensure the safety of your account, and most importantly, it will help your book rank and get more sales. The negative side of not following guidelines is sometimes Amazon KDP terminates the accounts violating the policies. So it’s better we keep our accounts safe by following the guidelines.

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to share them at [email protected]. Best of luck with your books!

Thank you for reading and best of luck for the self-publishing journey! 😊

Amazon KDP Metadata Guide

Here are some tools and resources that can help you with your self-publishing journey, these are the tools and resources which I use:

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