Amazon KDP Free 5 Days Book Promotion

Amazon KDP offers a free 5-day book promotion feature to its enrolled authors. This is a great way to gain more sales, reviews, and ratings for your new books.

So in this blog post, you will get to know about the Amazon KDP free 5-day book promotion and how you can set it up with some additional tips and tricks.

What is Amazon KDP Free 5-Day Book Promotion?

A free book promotion is a feature that allows you to put your book for free for a limited time. You can set it up to five days after every 90 days and your book will be listed as free on Amazon.

A free Book Promotion is only for the books that are listed in the KDP Select Program. KDP Select is a subscription service that allows you to run free book promotions and other promotional deals. You can enroll your book in KDP Select for 90 days at a time. To enroll in KDP Select, you must agree to make your book exclusive to Amazon for 90 days.

How to Set Up the Free Book Promotion?

Setting up a free book promotion is very simple and easy. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Enroll your book in KDP Select.
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Step 2: Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
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Step 3: Click on the “Promote & Advertise” button.
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Step 4: Click on the “Create a free promotion” button.
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Step 5: Select the start and end dates for your promotion.
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Step 6: Click on the “Save promotion” button.
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What are the Benefits of the Free Book Promotion?

Free book promotion can help you achieve several goals, such as:

Increase your book’s visibility and discoverability. 

A free book promotion attracts more readers. You can also rank higher in Amazon’s bestseller lists and categories, which can increase the reach of your book. And most of the time, your book will rank in any of the best sellers’ free books categories. 

Get more reviews and ratings. 

Reviews and ratings are very crucial to ranking your book on the first pages. Positive reviews influence readers’ purchasing decisions. Free book promotions encourage readers to leave reviews and ratings on your books, which ultimately boost your sales and help rank your books on the first pages.

Generate more sales and royalties. 

Although you won’t earn any royalties on your free ebooks you can still earn through royalties. You will be getting royalties when readers will read your book. And if they order paperbacks, you will earn even if your book is on a free promotion.

Tips and Best Practices for the Free Book Promotion

Choose the right book and the right time.

Always select a book that you think is more attractive and valuable and can appeal to your target audience. Secondly, you need to choose the right time to promote it and consider whether it’s a new release, a special event, or seasonal demand. For example, if your book is related to Christmas, then you need to put your book on promotion around 19th and 20th Dec. Why on these dates? When the promotion ends on the 25th Dec, your book will be ranked on the first pages and will be changed into a paid book. People will surely buy and you will earn more.

Promote your free book promotion.

There are different ways and mediums available that you can use to drive more traffic such as email lists for email marketing, social media accounts, your website or blog, and groups. You can also use paid advertising, such as Amazon Ads to reach a wider and more targeted audience but as a beginner, stick to free methods.

Track and measure your results.

When your book is under promotional period, You must analyze the performance and results of your book such as the number of page reads, reviews, ratings, sales, and royalties. This can help you plan better for your future free promotions because you will be getting Amazon KDP free 5-day Book Promotion after every 90 days and you must know to get the maximum out of this 5-day free promotion.

Additional tips

  • Make sure your book is well-written and formatted.
  • Use a high-quality and eye-catching book cover.
  • Write an SEO-based book description.
  • Choose the right title and subtitles.
  • Choose the right keywords and categories


Amazon KDP free 5-day Book Promotion is a powerful feature for boosting sales and gaining reviews and ratings on your newly published books. You can easily make your new books rank and get more ratings and reviews which ultimately help boost your sales. Follow the tips and tricks shared in this blog post to make your books rank. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to share in the comments. You can also explore Top Amazon KDP niches for 2023.

Top Amazon KDP Niches for 2023
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